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mei yin

Mei yin means Queen , real Queen and not ''basic bitch Queen''! She's pretty and kind and she helps you if you have problems. She loves cats and she will sent you hundred of cat pics. I you get known to her you will see that she's a weirdo, pervers and funny weirdo. She's sometimes really nasty and says that she wants to be like this girl and says things like :'' she's so pretty! I want to look like her '' and more like this shit (she's good the way she is ).
The secret is : she is Taylor swift O.o

Mei yin :eeeyee , Jasmina !

Mei yin lost her child Steve ! v.v

Amt Is real Mei yin ^^
Pls don't take this serious xD

by Tacogirl606 January 4, 2017