A type of love where the person gets rejected by their crush and just copes with sending memes and gut wrenching cringe ahh pick up lines or "Hugots" (just search the thing I dunno if it's blue text and I dunno how to do it) out of nowhere when you type something. Especially CAT MEMES. But they still adore this person even he's/she's/they're taken or not ready yet. The type of people of this are most likely to be quiet/introverted in order to express their emotions better, and sometimes an extrovert takes this motion too.
Imagine coping so hard that you created a phrase/words in Urban Dictionary and calling it "Memely Love" just because you got rejected to her and to invite her to dance in prom LMAOOO 💀💀💀.
"Meme loving fuck" is a person with no life who dedicates their life to memes.Is usually an introvert and will tag you on 61811514 memer per day.
Ommo,look at this meme so good!
Stop being a meme loving fuck omg you rly need Jesus and friends!!!!