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A "Memily" is someone (more or so, AN ALIEN) who always complains about every fucking thing and cries over dumb shit all the time. A Memily is also someone who tries so hard to be popular but becomes a fucking pussy whenever she talks to a whole fucking classroom, she also starts insulting people for no fucking reason because someone tells her that she is STRAIGHT and not Bisexual. Memily also loves to fuck mushroom heads and gay asians, for some reason, she intends to talk alotta boy shit despite always saying how she is bi, she never spoke about a fucking girl. She only has 2 comebacks "UgH yOu’Re So rUdE" and "I hOpE nO oNe BeCoMeS yOuR fRiEnD". Shes always very hypocritical, she would always butt into people’s conversations and when people confront her about it she would say "iTs LiFe I cAn tAlK tO wHoEvER I wAnT!" And when YOU butt into her lame shit she would say "UgH! RUUUUDDDEEE!!!". A Memily also likes to fake mental illnesses for attention.

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Memily: UGH! YoU’Re sO rUdE!

by Hokage69 November 16, 2019

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