In all seriousness... Women need to shutbthe fuck about about what men "need to do." I don't NEED to do anything and if MY DICK doesn't have YOUR SALIVA on it... You don't have any authority to be telling me what I NEED to do. Why do I need to do *blank*? For what? YOU!? No!
A bitch "Men need to..."
Hym "Ope! If you finish the sentence I get to tell women what they 'need to do' "
A bitch "...."
Hym "No, go ahead."
A bitch "...."
Hym "Seriously! Men need to... What? Whatbdo men need to do?"
A bitch "....."
Hym "And women need to what? What do women need to do? Does it involve throwing me some booty? I bet it does! I bet you 1 million dollars it involves booty."