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The ability to understand and share the feelings of another about an issue, but only after the issue has directly affected you.

He never supported gay marriage before, but he does now that his daughter recently came out. That's not empathy, it's mepathy.

She was always against unemployment benefits, but now is in favor of them after losing her job. Classic mepathy.

by Reflecting back June 29, 2020


The reverse of "em"pathy. When you want to use one word for "Lack of empathy". Selfish, thoughtless and doesn't care about others' feelings. Self absorbed.

He acts as if no one else matters but him. He's got a bad case of mepathy, he's so mepathetic!

by mjake1 August 8, 2011

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The opposite of empathy...the antonym for empathy...empathy is the ability to feel what someone feels, to walk in that person's shoes...one who exhibits mepathy never considers the feelings of another, it is all about me, me, me...therefore this person suffers from mepathy!

The ex-president has been described as a self centered narcissist, he only thinks of himself and never others...he suffers from an acute case of mepathy.

by k9backdoc October 12, 2022