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Mexican Doorstep

A guy with a little dick.

Named after the extremely unsafe 2 to 4 inch door sill at the doorway of every Mexican museum in Mexico City. Watch as beefy American tourists trip and fall flat on their fat fucking faces as the museum staff smirk and don't help them up.

Gossipy Bitch 1 (Sipping Pre-Noon Sangria On A Beach Patio): What's with Helen these days? She seems to have an extra bounce in her step at hot snake yoga every morning.

Gossipy Bitch 2 (Also An Alcoholic): Well, you didn't hear it from me, but she's been fucking that young hot pool cleaner, Brody. It's no wonder, she's been complaining for years that her husband Bob is hung like a Mexican Doorstep...

by Dr Thwack March 3, 2019

15👍 3👎