Minh Thu is a person who doesn’t really know themself. Really. They tend to forget their personailty when doing such quizzes and is always secretly worried if they’re a bad person. They also think they have some kind of mental illness but… undiagnosed. Very fruity and Minh Thu is also a vietnamese name meaning smart book or if translated it means “our letter”.
Yeah Minh Thu is really confusing.
Minh Thu is fine
13👍 3👎
a ViEt ToM bOy FoR LiFe..coOL AzN GirL ThAt GeTs aLoNg WiTh aLmOsT aNyBoDy..OnE oF G-16's BesT fRieNdS..MiNh ThU iS VeRy SmArT..wiLL hAvE a GoOd FuTuRe..a GoOd fRiEnd
32👍 21👎