Da super-helpful-and-dedicated secretary of da great stand-up comedian Bames Johnned; she often sits off-stage with a two-way earpiece-radio to maintain constant communication with him, and quietly makes joke-suggestions to Mr. Johnned if he is occasionally is at a loss for words.
Bames Johnned: Good evening, Folks, and thank you so much for coming; you all look absolutely fabulous from here! A funny thing happened on my drive over here tonight --- I saw a whole flock of wild geese in the grassy median of the freeway, and they were all making a huge commotion over something they'd found on the ground. Dunno why they were being so noisy about it, though; I guess that they just --- ummmm..."
Miss Punnymany: "How 'bout, 'they just enjoy honking their own horns', Sir?"
Bames Johnned: "Yes --- they just enjoy honking their own horns! Thanks, Miss Punnymany --- how would I ever manage without you?"