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Exercise 1a
Mo'gli is a middle aged human. When you meet them they is friendly and open and listening. They really likes people but gets hurt easily because they wants to be accepted, respected, even liked. This stems from their parental cultural imprint that "our guest" has to be satisfied and leaves the host happily and in high spirit.

Despite a more or less ok childhood Mo'gli has had big troubles growing into a young adult. Identity, Sexuality, Emotionality, Self-Worth, Confidence, Anxiety, Depression, Loneliness etc all affected their life and relationships.
A potentially deadly combination. Not being able to reach out, ask for advice or help only worsened their situation.
Mo'gli dropped out of university not because of low performance but stomach aches and depression and hid in their parents' house. From then on they basically hid for an entire decade, threw their precious earth time out the window, partied on self loathing and anger. Then Mo'gli decided to take care of a child. Responsibility really started a kind of healing process. When you're alone and all you see is yourself things are bound to get bad. So being there for a helpless minor does re-code you in a way. Mo'gli likes to think that they was raised by the child in return.

Mo'gli considers themselves nice and polite to strangers while still facing the odd angry moment every now and then but its gotten much better. At home they dances and sings and smiles when in a good mood, they is aggressively happy sometimes it annoys the children. But hey. They also has the occasional sad mood, sometimes being overwhelmed by streams of tears, sometimes retreating in complete silence. But hey.
Mo'gli is tall, with brown hair and eyes, often chubby, rarely toned and sporty. The older they gets the best buddier they becomes with themselves. It's like, hey, you're not perfect but you're alright. It feels good to feel at home in your body. Mo'gli likes to put on red lipstick on a daily basis. Even when they does housework. It makes them feel sexy, womanly.
Mo'gli loves the arts, all arts. Photography, Film, Music, Theatre, Literature. Not an expert but very curious and out to discover new things. Mo'gli has artistic ambitions themselves but has only begun to grant themselves free artistic expression and a potential career (which would be amazing).
Mo'gli further enjoys meeting in small circles of nice, lovely people. Bottle of beer, glass of wine. How they look, dress, smell, think, behave is not important to Mo'gli as long as they are true to themselves.
You bet i could go on.

by Krkič March 30, 2019

6👍 2👎