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Mobile Racist

A person who sits on social media and does nothing but troll other people based on race. They throw old statistics and refuse to acknowledge new information. These people probably never done nothing to help their own community but are obsessed with tearing down others. Arguing with them is like talking to a brick wall. Mobile racists rarely has any educated facts and throws racial slurs in response to experiencing cognitive dissonance. These clowns most likely never experienced racism in their life but go off based on stereotypes.
This behaviour is usually from incels more than women. They usually take the time to create fake Instagram pages about races, especially Black people, and post disturbing photos with racist commentary.

Mobile racist: Slavery ended 200 years ago!! Get over it.

Mobile racist: When one person does something its on the whole community

Mobile racist: BuT BlACK LiVES MaTteR RiGhT??

by wigsnatcha April 9, 2021