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Mock Block

to call a friend out on what he/she is going to sarcastically respond before they are able to do so.

Like the term famously known as 'cock block,' a 'mock block' brings a friend down, and he/she is not able to make a crappy comment because they have already been called out.

by dfwmary March 3, 2010

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


V. Derived from the term Cock-Block. When a friend or bystander prevents you from making fun of someone.

You: Hey man, do you like fish dicks?
Friend: Just leave that poor kid alone.
You: Thanks a lot you mock-blocker.

by gerbinator2013 July 23, 2009

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Mock Block

The act of making fun of yourself to preempt a funnier person from making fun of you. Used by less humorous folk as a defense mechanism.

Jill mock blocked Jack by making fun of her hill climbing skills before Jack could land his zinger.

by JumpingBakflash December 20, 2013

Mock block

when one tries to insult another, and makes a typo or another error, allowing themselves to be insulted instead

Meredith: lletuce, pronounced β€œYET-US” in the way of the Spanish

Devin: I’m the way of the Spanish
*in the way of the Spanish
Meredith: Devin you don’t have to use euphemisms like that, you can just call yourself gay
Me: oh dude he just got mock blocked

by KingOfCoffee March 14, 2018