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Modern woman

Modern woman

A modern woman can defined as a woman of contemporary times who usually has high mate requirements, career oriented and semi- promiscuous. The term modern woman is usually used to describe women who live in western societies like America, Scandinavia, uk, Australia etc. Modern woman - β€œ I just matched with this hot millionaire on tinder and he ghosted me. All men are players even though I swipe left on most of them”

by Activated melanin August 1, 2023

34πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Modern Woman

Can very often be put in the text and has many uses both professional and sexual. The 'Modern Woman' has a job, not entry level, has done very well for herself and maintains or does not maintain a family. In the 1950's when the term first came to use, it was also a sexual saying. A modern woman can have as many romantic interests as she sees fit. The modern woman pursues affairs and is equal to the man when it comes to sexual partners. Marking the end of the 'nice girl era' in which women were only suppose to have one sexual partner as opposed to men, who could pursue interests of a sexual nature.

'You're a modern woman, you can have as many partners as you please"

"Wow Susan dresses nice, owns her own house, is sexy and sleeps around"
"Shes the regular modern woman."

by SlicKsta00 September 8, 2009

119πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž