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Monging Out

Basically - Zoning out, going into a daydream like state and you can't help but do so. When your eyes become fuzzy and you love to stare at an object in front of your eyes.

It's both a natural thing that happens and can also be caused by smoking weed.

"I can't stop monging out!"

by fezkayuu November 16, 2009

57๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mong Out

To relax but in an entirely unproductive manner. Essentially sit in you own filth and do nothing useful.

Not today man, I just need to mong out for a while.

by Lolence April 17, 2019

27๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mong Out

To be so stoned you can't move or think straight

-Hey I guess we should go to this party then?
-Fuck that lets just smoke the rest and mong out to Takeshi's Castle and drum 'n' bass, there's a double-bill at 4:20am

-Hey where've you been?

-Sorry we were just watching this new District 9 shit
-Oh yeah, whats it about?


by no, you motherfucking, cannot October 6, 2009

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mong out

Based on the often offensively used word mong.

1. To be in a state of unfocussed frenzy.

2. To be in a relaxed and docile state.

1. "Whoaa, did you see Nev after 14 bottles of Bud? Biggest, worstest mong out I seen for a while."

2. "Hey guys, let's get a spliff going and mong out in front of the TV."

by Lord Ass June 29, 2005

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Monged Out

A term used to refer to someone who is unable to speak due to a large intake of cannabis

Don't even talk to that guy, he is monged out!

by Goodguygav February 1, 2011

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Monging out

The come-down after smoking marijuana

Shit man- i'm monging out

by Dave October 22, 2004

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monged out

when a person has consumed to much substance and is in a stage of catharsis.

Have you seen the state of Bob? yeah, he Monged Out on the sofa

by wood chuck chucker December 13, 2008

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