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A moon monkey is the nickname for anyone who's surname is Muloolly or Mullooly or any other spelling I can't think of right now. Instead of having to remember what their name is and how to spell it, just call them Moon-Monkey

Girl A: That Nicola Moon-Monkey has had a baby you know?
Girl B: Oh yes, what has she called it?
Girl A: Maia Pearl Moon-Monkey
Girl B: How nice!

by Monkeys Are My Friends March 4, 2008

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Moon Monkey

1. Fresh roasted coffee.

2. A specialty coffee roaster out of Illinois.

3. A term used to downplay Starbucks crap.

1. Hey wow this coffee is totally moon monkey.

2. So I bought a pound of Moon Monkey and brewed it at home.

3. Man Starbucks is terrible you should try some Moon MOnkey!

by TDF December 2, 2004

15👍 28👎

Jangles the moon monkey


No, I’m jangles the moon monkey

by Captain Dr. dirtymike esquire February 19, 2019

Jangles the moon monkey


No, I’m jangles the moon monkey

by Captain Dr. dirtymike esquire February 19, 2019

Moon monkey

A person of African heritage or black decent

Shaniquia is a moon monkey

by Chris2020 December 9, 2021

Moon Monkey


Damn is that a moon monkey doing the run?

by RattaMoon April 10, 2023

Moon Monkey

Noun. A man who identifies with the Madchester scene or Northern English Indie music of the 1990s and early 2000s. Typically wears Parker jackets, check shirts, Adidas Samba trainers and sports messy hair brushed forward over the forehead and ears.

Originates from a Trevor & Simon sketch on Saturday morning kids TV.

“Look at that moon monkey! Who does he think he is, Liam Gallagher?!”

by Yorkshire Hunter April 8, 2018