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Mortal Kombat Vocabulary

While writing a phrase or word the begins with the letter C, the C is then replaced with the letter K to make it sound Kool. This type of vocabulary can always makes the most dull sentances look so much more intesne.

Regular sentance: "I must now Combat with the mighty Comotose Crabs of Concubine and Crush the Crazy Cougars before the great Crackers of Canada Cock block all the Crackreads in Columbia."

Kool Sentance: "I must now Kombat with the mighty Komotose Krabs of Konkubine and Krush the Krazy Kougars before the great Krackers of Kanada Kock block all the Krackheads in Kolumbia."

Mortal Kombat Vocabulary is the Key to Kool writing.

by maxatron July 30, 2009

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