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an awesome christian heavy metal band that blows deicide out of the water

by Anonymous August 21, 2003

67👍 39👎


A great Christian Metal band from Australia in 1990. It originally started as a thrash metal band, but turned to death metal by 1992 and then kept on messing around with different types of metal such as, speed, groove, more thrash, power, doom, and even hardcore.

Most people agree that their best album was Scrolls of the Megilloth, which was released in 1992 and was one of the first ever Christian death metal albums.

They have released about twelve studio albums, a few DVDs, lots of live albums, and a new album is underway.

Me: Mortification is one of the best bands ever.
Satanic Metalhead: Shut the f*** up!! My s*** is better than your Christian bulls***!!!
Me: *makes him listen to Scrolls of the Megilloth*
Stanic Metalhead: *runs away like a little girl*

by Usvart Jorge April 23, 2009

31👍 15👎