Portmanteau of "mother" and "emergency".
An occurence in which a mother calls upon her child (or children) for a seemingly unimportant task or advice for something that is common knowledge amoug most people during a time in which said child is actually in the middle of something vitally importance.
*ring ring*
Child: Hello? Mom?
Mother: Hi sweetie, which remote do I use to get Netflix?
Child: Um, which TV are you watching?
Mother: The big one.
Child: Mom, both TV's are big. Are you using the Plasma or OLED?
Mom: What?
Child: I'm at work right now. Can this wait until I come over tonight?
Mom: Well, my friend called, you know Marcie, her son's going to medical school? Anyway, she said that there was an episode of the Great British Baking Show with a recipe for Danish Almond Delights that I should try making. I was thinking of making them for the upcoming bake sale at the church and...
Child: Not another mothermergency!!*bangs head on desk*