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Mr. Mansfield

Mr Mansfield is a Suns WMS English Teacher, formerly a Granite Team English Teacher. He's such a boomer but it's fine, though he blasts boomer music while you're trying to write an essay about child neglect. Everybody forgets about the Wordly Wise quizzes because he never reminds you, so it takes you by surprise and you fail. He loves golf. He has golf stickers everywhere, and regularly makes students knock down glue sticks with golf clubs. He throws things at students, such as granola bars, bouncy balls and beef jerky, then makes fun of you if you don't catch it. he hates the class of 2024 and doesn't even try to hide it. But like, he likes slam poetry so it's cool. boomer

"lily: "hes gonna take points off for bad grammer im sorrey Mr. Mansfield how did i pass your class :-(""

by sujn November 17, 2019