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Guaifenesin and Dextromorphan Hydrobromide (DXM HBr 30 mg).
Guaifenesin just helps loosen mucus and clear congestion and DXM is used to get hiiiggghhhh. =

try some of this mucinex its new its got 30 mg. getcha high

by Bumbleebee March 31, 2006

124👍 83👎

Mucinex DM

Expectorant/cough suppressant containing 60 mg extended-release bi-layer dextromethorphan HBr tablets. Also contains 1200 mg guaifenesin.

Active ingredients also found in Mucinex DM, Delsym, NyQuil, etc.

by kolonoman October 21, 2008

42👍 30👎

Mucinex High

The worst high you will ever have. The room will start spinning. You will vomit, and have diarrhea through out the entire high. And the comedown is insanely terrible. You feel like a literal piece of shit, and it will make you want to die.

Mucinex Mucinex high weed medicine high

by Hobo 13 July 21, 2010

22👍 34👎

Mucinex Serpent

You make your spouse OD on Mucinex and facefuck them in the nose. You then ejaculate in their nose, so a string of mucus flies out. You proceed to ejaculate in her nose, while going in deeper until they don't have a stuffy nose anymore.

I just gave my wife a Mucinex Serpent a year ago. She hasn't had a stuffy nose since

by IlDisTorTlI July 3, 2023

2👍 1👎

Mucinex DM

When you snotrocket in your partner's asshole then fuck the asshole until your dick has a mix of shit and snot on it then make your partner give you a blowjob.

Guy#1: Last night I gave Peyton a Mucinex DM and she threw up everywhere!

Guy#2: Wtf.....

by LIL z 904 February 19, 2016

3👍 15👎

Mucinex Minute

a unit of time, specifically twelve hours.

I'm going out to get groceries, I'll be back in a mucinex minute.

by TheGuyWhoDefinesThingsSOmetime August 26, 2018

2👍 3👎