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He has a small dick, is a dick and is 100% dick. But biatches stay away... he my dick

Look at that humungous mundus!!

by Big deek March 29, 2018

6👍 2👎

mundus mortuus

The feeling of loss and emptiness you have after a fictional series is over.

Literally, "world death."

After marathoning "Dead Like Me," I realized I would never see another new episode and was overcome by mundus mortuus.

by KingMeredith November 16, 2012

Mundu moment

"litteralment, zobb go bott" - fountain
"Combination of a SIMP and Coomer" -guy who cant walk

"i hate girls so much, imma do Ket"
"wow that's such a mundu moment"

by the hussler February 21, 2020

Sic Mundus Creatus Est

The beginning is the end, the end is the beginning

No Jonas! You cannot alter the past or you will never be born! Sic Mundus Creatus Est

by lilianathunder August 30, 2023


Mundu is a person who intends to prey on young children, they may do some of the following:

- Sexually harassing Skwixi, a 15 year old, now 17, despite her stating multiple times she has no interest in him.
- Going on a date with a woman, spending €150 worth of transport and food in return for sexual favours(which he did not get.) - Purposely serving large amounts of alcohol to a woman, with the goal to take advantage of her.

- Sending an unsolicited dick pic to members of the server, both females and males.

- Paying money to a hooker, who was unable to make him finish.

- Behaves misogynistic due to the fact he refuses to believe that women can be better than him and can reject him. - Mentioning his ex, 5 years after the break-up.

- Refuses to believe that he is the problem.

- Purposely sabotages his one and only friendship.

mundu is a predator
oh no, please don't mundu me

by pastizzu January 5, 2024