Source Code


1.A hideously ugly, repulsive, decrepid, foul, grotesque, unsightly, horrid, ill-proportioned, mangy, haggard, crude, bloated or generally ghastly person or being. 2.One who repulses.

1.Damn, John Howard is a mutant.

by John Barry November 21, 2004

207πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


1. A relatively permanent change in hereditary material involving either a physical change in chromosome relations or a biochemical change in the codons that make up genes; also : the process of producing a mutation

2. An individual strain or trait resulting from mutation

3. Very rarely used term by young gay people themselves who feel unattached with the mainstream because of either shyness, bullying by others and or being a homosexual.

4. A class of Superhuman Beings (Homo Superior) in the Marvel Comics Universe who are born with latent abilities far surpassing that of regular Humans (Homo Sapien).

1) Virtually every living thing is a mutation.

2) See example 1.

3) " I feel I am a mutant, being a gay man I know what being a mutant must feel like." - Sir Ian McKellen

4) The X-Men are a group of mutants who try their best to protect a world that hates and fears them.

by Cryo-Morph X September 21, 2003

68πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


The Attorney in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". Oscar Zeta Acosta. Dr. Gonzo, partner of Raoul Duke.

β€œThere he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.” - Hunter S. Thompson

by Nemo1080 September 16, 2009

46πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Derogatory term/ slang used in reference to a person from the Gary-Hammond metropolitan area of Northwest Indiana. Origin of the word is either a reference to the high amounts of pollution or unique patchwork culture that "Mutates" its inhabitants. Although the term's creation was intended to insult it is now used as a term of endearment among residents.

Yea, he works in Chicago, but he's a mutant

by Histprof December 13, 2010

32πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Sick is a word used by most chavs, meaning "very good".

Non-chavs are adopting the word "mutant" as their equivalent of "sick"

"Wow Jamie, your new hoodie is Mutant!"

"The party last saturday was fucking mutant!"

by Jamie_Marlow_1991 October 6, 2008

29πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Some who displays no self control after smoking too much marijuana

Delargey was a fuckin mutant last weekend.

by KON101 January 8, 2008

13πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


1. Term to describe Chris Carpio for his freakish 0wN4g3 skills in CS and Unreal Tournament.

1. Release the mutant!

by The OC November 2, 2004

5πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž