My Inner Lord Ashura, are my feelings, of self-hatred, of being a mixed race, and also my depression, hopelessness, and fear, which have driven me, many times, to attempt suicide.
Lord Ashura, is a Square Enix villain, from its Makai Toushi Saga/Final Fantasy Legend series, (Gameboy) especially of its first, and second games, and also its Japan, only remake, Saga 2: Hihou Densetsu - Goddess of Destiny. (DS)
The reason why, I say My Inner Lord Ashura, is that he is, Priestess Kai/Ki's mortal enemy. Only by discovering, with a friend, that I am Priestess Kai/Ki, saved me from suicide. Two other friends, say I originally, was a white girl, and will become again soon. This gives me hope!
As I now know, that I am Priestess Kai/Ki, I have conquered, My Inner Lord Ashura, and also my fear of dying, (thanatophobia) as Something Awful, a game BBS, says Priestess Kai/Ki, is immortal. This means I will live forever! Wow!