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Mys Jokes

An indescribably cheesy and/or dumb joke made by a childless father.

Some girl: Hey acquaintance, we should go back soon.

Acquaintance: Why?

Some girl: I'm hungry.

Dad: Hi hungry, I'm acquaintance!

Some girl: Shut up with the mys jokes, they aren't funny!

by Try_ December 13, 2021

Tea Bagging my Joke

To add on to a joke after the punchline thinking it will be funnier -- and failing.

Bob:Hey Jim...What's the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer?

Jim: I dont know Bob, what?
Bob: The taste!
Trish: and the smell!
Bob: bitch quit 'tea bagging my joke'!

by Darnell Jenkins II February 4, 2010

23πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

My mom jokes

A joke that involves making fun of your own mom, made popular by Muscleman from the Regular Show.
The basic format is

You know who else _____(action)_____

Person 1: I like using the computer.
Person 2:You know who else likes using the computer, MY MOM!!!
More examples:
You know who else needs supervision, MY MOM!!!
You know who else rocks this hard, MY MOM!!!!
You know who else has the best tacos in the city, MY MOM!!!
You know who else says ugh, MY MOM!!!
my mom jokes rule

by Antas May 27, 2011

83πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

My Mom Jokes

A highly unusual method of including your own mother in the midst of an irrelevant conversation or arguement, therefore creating confusion among those whom you are having a conversation with.
May also be used to interupt another group's conersation

My Mom Jokes
Person 1:"I got a deadly new car! it's really fast"
Person 2:"My mom's really fast"
Person 1:"He's used to having balls in his mouth..."
Person 2:"My mom's used to having balls in her mouth"

by The T November 2, 2005

32πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Joking my ass

Joking my ass - something so Preposterous that my ass isn’t confident with the premise. Therefore if Jacob says I done caught 5 alligator last night… Jacob your joking my ass!

Mike done fucked sally!
Wait wait hold up you joking my ass ?

by Big daddy 29 July 14, 2022

Are you Joking my Eyes Out?

Are You Joking My Eyes Out??

Basically when the statement said is far from believable.... another use of "Are you Joking"

Can also be pronounced ajamie-oo

Boy says: Someone just let a ripper off on the bus
You say: Are you joking my eyes out?!!???? (A.Y.J.M.E.O)

by Tiffers_ps April 5, 2010

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

my joke

Every single thing,

someone: Why did the chicken cross the road
You: That's my joke
Someone: clean your room
You: That's my joke

by thehawkatnoon November 14, 2019