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Nice People

It's a myth.
Also known as:

Respectable People.

Dude: Look there's some nice people!
Dude: Shut the fuck up!

by BaconCheese April 24, 2020

genuinely nice people

Canadians. Enough said.

Go to Canada with a problem, they can help. They are genuinely nice people, after all.

by nicelbackcanadian December 21, 2011

13👍 15👎

Call generally nice people Ralsei Day

On Saturday December 18th compare people who are just generally nice to ralsei due to one quality

A nice person was called ralsei as it was call generally nice people ralsei day

by Nooblayer_69 December 18, 2021

National be nice to short people day

On November 4, you need to be nice to people under 5'4

If you are not nice to short people then watch out for the monster under your bed for it is national be nice to short people day.

by vertigoe? October 13, 2021