Source Code

Nogtard's Bog

A filthy bog in Nogtard's garden which is just asking to be put on the back of a Maltby lorry.

Nogtard's Bog will very soon be a close friend of Pork Scotch's Cone.

Nogtard: Nicking me bog then?

by Kenny Spoffo-Grumpbeetle July 25, 2009

60👍 4👎

Nogtard's Bog

A suprisingly clean white shitter found outside the House of Tard.

Dad: LOOK! Theres a bog outside Nogtard's house!

Flobbers: Oh Yeah!! NOGTARD'S BOG!! Look how clean it is!!!

by Ednatoast Jeeganflipperwick July 28, 2009

69👍 7👎