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a person who likes to date and sleep with many boys in an attempt at filling their need for attention, related to abandonment issues of their father.

; a person who has no self esteem/confidence in themselves, therefor seeks it in others, in all the wrong places.

I feel so bad for that Najar, endlessly searching to fill the void in her life.

by fiestabob September 13, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


a person who likes to date and sleep with many boys in an attempt at filling their need for attention, related to abandonment issues of their father.

; a person who has no self esteem/confidence in themselves, therefor seeks it in others, in all the wrong places.

I feel so bad for that Najar, no one cares for her enough, and now shes all messed up.

by fiestabob September 13, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


The hottest girl in the world often know as the tags you see below some people call her rae or ray ray she has a smile that no one can or shall resist her personality is a sensation. She wants to be a physiologist when she grows up and she may also be know as a crazy wild freak if you know what It means

Are you acting like a najare?

by LOLSMILEYXD :) May 14, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Razan Al-Najar

a brave woman who was killed by an Israeli soldier while she tried to help the wounded, she deserves justice

"who is Razan Al-Najar?"
"A queen!"

by FREE_PALESTINE August 4, 2021

Laylah Al Najar

Laylah Al Najar is a beautiful sexy stunning 16 year old girl who is short, tan and has black hair and dark black eyes that shell look at you will and can see your soul from how black they are. She is smart and talented and has a insta priv that you should follow.

Wow look there ray its laylah al najar

by its lulu bitch May 22, 2019

Dirty najar

likes jumping Couches naked with a finger in his ass into a group of friends

Hey do a dirty najar

by The one they call The Godfathe September 12, 2021

Dirty najar

likes jumping Couches naked with a finger in his ass into a group of friends

Hey do a dirty najar

by The one they call The Godfathe September 11, 2021