A fan-made re-dubbed version of the anime series "Naruto". Made by MasakoX and Vegeta3986, it is a very famous series on YouTube and DailyMotion. It consists of all the characters in the original series, as well as others such as Clucky, The Log, and The One-Foot Tall Brick Wall. Personally a fan, the best characters in the series in my opinion are arguably Gaara of the Funk, Kakashi, and Clucky. If you're a fan of anime, naruto, or just want something to laugh about, then watch Naruto Abridged.
Dude, you should totally check out Naruto Abridged on Youtube, it's friggin awesome!
Dude, don't you mean...EXCELLENT!!!
221👍 71👎
Naruto Abridged is a very funny series on Youtube created by MasakoX and Vegeta3986. Obviously it is a spoof of the series Naruto by Viz Media.
I can't wait untill the 23rd episode of Naruto Abridged comes out.
106👍 57👎