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National Significant Other Day

National Significant Other Day is August 12. This is a day to show appreciation to your significant other/partner :) . Do special things when it’s National Significant other day!

Jupiter! Today is all about you! National Significant Other Day! Which means you could do anything special for your partner who is non binary!

by balls in yo jaws July 27, 2021

1👍 1👎

National Kiss Your Significant Other Day

A special day marked on the calendar as june 1st-10th. This day should be celebrated year round but is marked as a few specific days.

National Kiss Your Significant Other Day is defined by the love that couples share for each other and how summer can relieve stress and finally allow for some personal time with your boo thing.
P1: Did you know it’s Nation Kiss Your Significant Other Day.
P2: Omg I didn’t know that I need to go and kiss him right now.
Go kiss them, we all know it’s summer so you have time.

by helios0519 May 26, 2023