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natural gas

natural gas is a clean burning fuel consisting mainly of methane used for heating and cooking and as an alternative transportation fuel

bob what is natural gas

buddy natural gas is a clean burning fuel consisting mainly of methane used for heating and cooking and an alternative fuel for transportation

wow bob natural gas is really interesting

buddy now you know a little about natural gas

by littlejimmie February 22, 2019

22👍 14👎

natural gas

something reggie just did
he is a sexy boy and so is his DAD!

Reggie just did natural gas when i was talking to his dad and him

by reggie is hott March 23, 2004

6👍 65👎

natural gas pipeline

Colon; Tube that conveys your natural gas to the outside world.

I think that breakfast burrito is making its way through my natural gas pipeline...you'll smell it soon enough.

by Peshtar December 28, 2006

95👍 7👎

natural gas fiend

someone who runs up to random people, explosively passes wind on their face, and runs away.

"some natural gas fiend just killed my dog! it was horrible!"
"why? did he die slowly and painfully?"
"no! it smelled so horrible i wish i was the one it killed!"

by danger: explosive gas in rear! January 15, 2010

2👍 4👎

natural gas exchange

when to people put there assholes together then one farts. the fart then proceeds to enter the other persons asshole. from there the person farts out the original fart. (makes a sound "pooof fffooop pooof")

baby im going to sascuribe to the natural gas exchange with you.

by the 2355 September 5, 2010

3👍 7👎