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Neoconservative. Originally used to describe left-wingers who crossed the floor, neocons are on the authoritarian right, rather than the traditionally conservative libertarian right. They tend to be very pro-war and adopt the mentality of "We're better than you and we know it."

Some more vulgar people call them Neocunts.

"I don't really like Kerry, but I'd rather see him in power than those horrendous neocons who currently run things!"

by KHD October 12, 2004

1512๐Ÿ‘ 524๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Small group of politicians coming from as early as the Ford administration up to the Bush II administration.
2. Have a fake pretense about believing in smaller government. In reality believe in big spending and tax cuts for their wealthy political and business friends, hence deficit spending.
3. They fake being social conservatives, although true social conservatives believe they really care about social issues. Neocons distract the public by acting like they really care about social issues like gay marriage, abortion, and flag burning. Meanwhile they are busy conducting wars and stifling your freedom.
4. Believe in costly wars and creating boogeymen to try and make you think only they can keep you safe while they restrict your freedoms to "protect you". This is their signature issue, to help keep them in power.
5. Actually despise any types of small government advocates, Barry Goldwater, traditional live and let live conservative, and libertarians.

George Bush I and II, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, are all a bunch of neocons.

by Monochromo June 23, 2006

911๐Ÿ‘ 311๐Ÿ‘Ž


Short for Neo-Conservative. They are in fact not conservative at all. They are in reality an opportunistic clicque educated at top colleges who rose up to be White House advisors and Washington spivs when they sensed the tide was shifting with Ronald Reagans rise to power.

They never serve in the military but want hicks to fight battles in foreign lands in order to protect globalism, or "American Interests." They rarely work for manufacturers or any product-oriented business, but rather network between law firms and public relations offices when they are not actually in Plum jobs.

Their favorite magazine is Rupert Murdoch's Weekly Standard, they hate Chronicles Magazine, the John Birch Society, the Rockford Institute and any other group that is Mid-West based and which exposes their nefarious activities.

Neocons all seem to be related in some way with the gang at Commentary and those other former SDS clowns.

by England phi beta gamma January 21, 2008

262๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone whose political views represent the worst of both worlds: fiscally liberal, socially conservative.

Bush is a neocon because he supports racking up a huge deficit while dictating people's personal lives.

by buster55 March 20, 2006

964๐Ÿ‘ 425๐Ÿ‘Ž


Neocons are all imbecilic, aging, wheezing syphilitic pathological creeps, dirty old men that smoke Cuban cigars and go on child sex slave vacations in third world nations while on oxycontin between snorting viagra and having secret affairs with gay sex workers. When they're not spouting homophobic bullshit or writing breathlessly idiotic, fact free columns in major newspapers, clinking crystal tumblers brimming with $38,000 a bottle bourbon with the Skull and Bones / AEI classmates at grand elite socials, getting drunk and shooting people in the face, brazenly granting trillion dollar contracts to their former companies, raping teenaged boys in Texas Prisons, chronically sexually harrassing their female employees, putting on diapers and paying dominatrixes to indulge their banal submissive fantasies: they're out doing what they do best: ravaging the life savings of thousands of people and committing genocide. All this while being ardently fawned over by the liberal media. These revolting sub-human colostomatic shitbags of filth and perversion should all be in GITMO right now receiving sex changes from Cuban doctors, only to spend the rest of their lives as a drag show touring Iran & Afghanistan.

That neocon needs a new think tank gig!

by Tim65 October 28, 2008

141๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


The only kind of Republican that can justifiably be a called a nazi.

Thanks to the Neocons, Godwin's Law is now obsolete.

by El_Haggis September 9, 2006

382๐Ÿ‘ 202๐Ÿ‘Ž


Quite possibly one of the lowest forms of life around. A collection of no good, low life, lying, rotten, four flushing, inbred sacks of wind and horseshit.

The current administration is full of these people.

by jesster79 March 1, 2005

630๐Ÿ‘ 363๐Ÿ‘Ž