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A femenist who belives that women are superior to men in every way possible. Yet when it comes to superiority between the sexes, it dosen't exist.

Neofeminist: Men are nothing but rotten dirty pigs.
You see where I'm going here ...

by Bren Davis September 20, 2006

174👍 101👎


A feminazi.

A neofeminist is someone who clearly has gotten most of the benifits of a society which is not extremely prejiduce against her yet acts like shes been delt an unfair hand and thus is a total bitch!

-Sorry bout the long example...

Me:Shut up!
Jill: Im a girl you cant tell me to shut up!
Me:I tell all my friends who need to shut the fuck up, to shut up. So SHUT UP!
Jill: Thats sexist! I might have to kick your ass.
Me: If you touch me ill hit you back.
Jill: You cant hit a girl!
Me: Fucking neofeminists

by Ghassan August 15, 2005

126👍 91👎


A neofeminist is a person who lives or advocates a life based on a return to earlier (though reformed) ideas of the feminine and of motherhood.

While a feminist is often thought of having aspirations that lie within the mainstream, dominant culture traditionally regarded as (or reserved for the) masculine, a neofeminist is someone who has examined or lived feminist ideals only to return to ideals that are more similar to those traditional ideals abandoned in the first place (though not necessarily mainstream interpretations of those ideals).

Exaggeration is for emphasis:

A feminist writes about her vagina on salon.com comment logs and usually forgoes cooking to avoid the traditional, sexist role it suggests; vagina monologue was likely crafted in a coffee shop (perhaps on lunch break) while child was at day care... feminist likely to own a high powered vacuum cleaner intended to eliminate drudgery from cleaning...

A neofeminist may be handcrafting organic batches of baby food sans industrialized foodstuffs while preparing the nightly family dinner which studies show is important to family health; meanwhile writing about the psycho-social benefits of movement exercise in playgroups and the benefits of hand brooming over vacuuming...

by brookie *me meep** August 26, 2008

46👍 54👎