When you're only wearing clothes on the top and underwear/boxers on the bottom. Especially modernized during the corona pandemic where it's common for students to not to wear pants as only the top can be seen on the webcam.
Dude 1: I'm so tired of these online lectures
Dude 2: At least you can wear a news suit
1. A person who "looks" wealthy, acts wealthy and most people think he is wealthy but in reality it's all pretend.
2. A person who "looks good" no matter what they do. They come out on the winning end all the time.
He's so smooth and such a player he could get flushed down a toilet and come out in a new suit!
A term for when person becomes overly obsessed or obsessive with
A) turning a new leaf in life
B) starting a new life
All due an incarceration (jail, prison)
Very similar as a mid life crisis
Obsessive enough burn bridges, destroy/ end relationships with others. Enough to divorce or break up with lovers or partners. Possible family
Obsessive enough to sell or donate all there possessions so they can acquire new ones.
Obsessive enough to move far far far from the place he got caught possibly leaving the country
All in the name of starting over
Note it can be temporary or permanent
Man:" ken just blew me off. He says he wants a new life. Say he cant be around any of us.
Man2: hes going through the motions of new suit syndrome and is odd are right now leaving one or anything he ever had.