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nicky barnes

Leroy (Nicky) Barnes. The only black mafia man to be famous. This man was the definition of untouchable.

Yo, this guy is a Street legend, and listen close to rap music, cus he's a god for rappers.. Nicky Barnes and Tony Montana(although not a real person) are the 2 most talked about gangsters in rap

"Remeber Nicky barns and the 70's, ye he took out a long list of high-profile celebrities"
"Yo this thugsta is tryin to be nicky barnes.. but he's some niggy barns aha"

by Illy September 4, 2004

77👍 53👎

nicky barnes

1) Leroy "Nicky" Barnes (born 1933)was one of the biggest drug dealers known to New York City. He was the first recorded black man to take heroin out of the hands of Italian mobsters and sell it to the black community; although he served countless amounts of prison time he managed to make millions. During his last prison sentence Barnes' Council of Seven stoped caring for his assets and refused to pay his attorney fees, one member even had an affair with his wife. In retaliation Barnes gave up the names of 5 council members and 109 names total; all names linked to the heroin trade. For his cooperation Barnes' sentence was shortened to 30 years and in 2004 he was released and entered the Witness Protection Program

2) leader of "The Council of Seven" - a heroin dealing crew who came together to set up a legitimate drug dealing trade, they even had a seven word oathe "Treat my brother as I treat myself."

3) Idle to rappers, mentioned in many rap songs and depicted as god.

In Shyne's song the "The Life" he tells the story of the rise and fall of Leroy "Nicky" Barnes

Rapper Loon said in "You Made Me" "Thanks to my Moms and some help from Nicky Barnes I was raised in ways of a don..."

by Jay Oh En July 11, 2007

46👍 30👎