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Engaging in predominantly nigger-like activity.

Similar to the term "percolating", it can and should be used only by black people as it exudes pure nigger energy.

It can be used to describe something only niggas/niggers would do. The context doesn't really matter as long as it regards something about niggas. A simple example would be the mere act of a black person saying the word "nigga".

Remember, you cannot niggalate if you are not a nigga.

Therefore, do not make an attempt to niggalate if you do not meet this qualification.

I niggalate
You niggalate
She/he niggalates
They niggalate

**talking shit about Andre**

Draymond: " Damn Earl, that nigga Andre be acting like a fucking NIGGA!"

Earl: "...And what about it, nigga? Chill nigga, that nigga just be niggalating sometimes. Ain't no problem."

**Andre enters after eavesdropping Earl and Draymond's conversation**

Andre (to Draymond): "Nigga, you just mad you can't niggalate like me, doo doo diaper ass nigga."

by The Niggalator January 9, 2020

21πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a nigga that's hallucinating, the act of hallucination

Example 1:
girl1: weren't you wearing skinny jeans.

girl2: no I've been wearing these shorts all day.

girl1: I swear you were wearing them.

girl2: Your just Niggalating.

Example 2:

Guy1: Bruh pass the joint.

Guy2: What you spreken about

Guy1: the doobie

Guy2: your niggalating

by D One September 1, 2011

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The 74th book of the Bible. Contains proverbs as to how a nigga can survive in the 21 century. Was made into a movie called β€œStraight Out’a Compton”.

β€œIf she let her phone die, she playin. Bitches don’t let their phones die.”
-Niggalations 4:20

by TheDayoOfDeepFry September 10, 2018

897πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


The Bible for getting bitches.

β€œIf you can make her laugh and giggle you can make her cheeks clap and jiggle.” Niggalations 13:456

by YoungD24 April 16, 2020

847πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


This is a book in Black Bible that speaks about nigga moments and there causes

Niggalations 3:15 thy shall not step on a niggas new shoes or thus will sparken a negro moment

by Dark skinned Jesus November 20, 2019

401πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


The unholy Bible of all niggas. This is where a nigga can find wisdom or just simply the way of life.

"Thou Shalt Not Wife THOTS!" - Niggalations: 10 verse 7

by MistahRigoh April 19, 2019

330πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


The holy book to those seeking guidance in the way of the hood. It is the bible and guide book on how to act and be in your life.

Niggalations 4:19

If you’re strapped you won’t get clapped

by chokemelikeyouhatemebutyoulove November 17, 2020

71πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž