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Nigger Death

Name for a horse who is a complete bastard and has no respect for people. This animal is dangerous to be around and will often try to bite or kick its handler.

You better watch out for Nigger Death over there. That son of a bitch will bite your ass if you get to close. He needs a good beating or a whipping to straighten him out.

by TeeShaw September 14, 2011

51👍 20👎

Fuck a nigger to death

An overly offensive exclamation of disdain and distress in situations where catastrophic consequences are immenent.

I just have to tighten the pipe on this sink one more.......Awwww fuck a nigger to death! Turn off the water!

by DR RELEVANT February 2, 2020

22👍 13👎

Nigger me to death

annoying someone so much it becomes a certain problem

Johnny stop asking about the game. Nigger me to death.

by Rice baby January 25, 2022

Total Sand Nigger Death

The advocation of all muslims to die.

Chud 1: "Yo did you see those muslims they shot up a grocery store?"
Chud 2: "The west has fallen, Total Sand Nigger Death now!"

by pbombcrusader8823 December 1, 2023