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The sound made when eating something (or someone). Can be referred to as "nomming" as a verb, ans is often pronounced int he sentence "om nom nom".

"Omg, there's someone eating my arm!"
*om nom nom*
"awwww :3"

by lol wut September 10, 2007

1795๐Ÿ‘ 491๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cute Imitation of the sound of a kitten or lolcat munching on a cheezburger. A cats' favorite food, apparently.

"I saw a cat Nomming this kids face once!" Kid-1
"No way!" kid-2
"yes way, the giant words, 'NOM NOM NOM!' appeared right overtop!" Kid-1

by puurple kakashi August 1, 2009

273๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž


or nomming, nommed. basically a geeks way of saying to eat something. Or if that person is stuck on lolcat vocabulary.

Person 1: Duuude, I'm totally gonna nom those marshmallows.
Person 2: I wants noms :(

by Seiri will nom yew July 17, 2009

157๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž


1: the act of eating

Person: I'm about to nom on that sammich.

by Sammich15 November 27, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word that can be used as an adjective, verb or noun. Mostly used to describe food.

Guy #1: That Whopper JR was simply nomtastic.
Guy #2: Hell yeah, bro.


Guy #1: I'm hungry...
Guy #2: Then lets nom!

Guy #1: I'm hungry....
Guy #2: That hot dog vendor over there looks like its got some nice noms. Lets go.

by Bill Tregen March 15, 2010

61๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


An onomatopoeia for the sound of someone or something eating

Origin: Sesame Street, when Cookie Monster would devour cookies

If one sees a person eating a giant sandwich, this can be described as an epic nom

by FTfreakingW April 11, 2010

63๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


Nom, Noming, To mon- To naw -verb, noun, adj
Noming is the act of eating something or someone. It is a form of chewing.

I'm about to nom away on this piece of chicken

by yournamehere24 May 31, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž