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A cross between a Nerd and a Dork

That guy/girl looks so norky. The clothes you are wearing are so norky.

by Mr Mo-Dawg March 7, 2012

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1. A really cool person.
2. A name for a leopard gecko.
3. A nerd and dork.

1. See that girl, she's such a norky.

2. I wish I had a pet like Norky.

3. That kid is such a freaking Norky.

by !!$auru$ March 17, 2009

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A state of emoness, depression.

Oh man when I saw her, I turned all norki.

by norki21 September 18, 2008

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The state of depression, or emoness.
Also a person who is depressed.

Oh man, she's so beautiful, whenever I see her I just get all norki.

Fuck, I went hella norki last night, because my friend is in the hospital.

Dude, tommy has been so norki lately, wendy doesn't want to dump brad for him anymore.

by DaCow September 26, 2008

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Used when describing a person as nerdy and dorky.

That dude is uber norky!

by AaronKat October 26, 2007

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A North Korean, or a North Korean soldier.

In Homefront, I pwn'd a norkie with my M-16.

by tabrisangel19 October 22, 2011

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Darth Norkie

Ultimate badass Viking Sithlord of the Universe.

see for you a crazy viking that have the strength and evulness of all the sithΒ΄s in the history of the sithΒ΄s, and you'll be like 1/10 to how scary the Darth Norkie is.

by Ignorkie April 27, 2011

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