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Normie psychopath

Someone (who is) whose actions are de facto psychopathic/lacking general empathy, but de jure (they are) their actions are considered normal/accepted enough. In other words: de facto they are doing bad things to people (or participating or accomplices in doing), but since the majority (or their local majority) is ok with the targets and the intensity of the bad (and maybe cheering/enabling them) - it's normalized, everyone moves on after this just fine, being used to no accountability.
Same as a tribal psychopath - an umbrella term for abusers (likes witch hunting, bullying, abuse, sadism, marginalization), murderers, but are social or adhering to "the rules of engagement" - working within tribal sets of rules.
Uses schizo logic to justify it - as in whatever in-group fallacies, fantasies, expectations (beyond basic decency), biases, also often feelings-based reasoning.

Usually targets (or joins in on targeting) men, as it's easier to get away with - since women are a 'protected class' and simps already have biased empathy; existing biases against men make it easier to find a cultural moral superiority point and to 'rally the gang' for abuse.

Coliseum visitors; inquisition; mob mentality; labeling; summary executions; genocides; our soldiers are heroes theirs - are evil; wearing a uniform makes a person a legal to murder target or makes their kills acceptable; forced slavery; thinking that Roman empire wasn't a fascist hellhole; certain groups of people deserve to be abused or executed for existing; thinking that karma is a thing; or being a pet owner, believing that they're having "empathy" for animals and it somehow justifies something against humans; and other control freaks, lacking general empathy - are all examples of normie psychopaths.

by veinsofgold June 13, 2022