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A person or group of fans of right-wing hard rocker Ted Nugent who mimick him in every conceivable way (usually minus the long hair), meaning they are:

-redneck republicans
-closed minded christians or catholics (meaning they are very homophobic)
-Hunters very much against vegetarianism/veganism and animal rights
-Defensive of Nugent's anti drugs and alcohol stance, even though many are heavy drinkers.
-in denial about Nugent avoiding the draft in the late sixties

Aside from a perfect example of the Republican Party not being able to think for themselves, they are also just as stupid as Beliebers, though not as annoying, not as large numbers, and most of them are actually full grown men in their fourties or fifties.

Nugentard: We need Nugent as president and not another faggot loving, anti-american pussy democrat who's probably a Jew or Atheist.

Normal person: Dude you've become a total Nugentard since you started listening to Ted Nugent, so go live with the other rednecks who can't think for themselves.

by Gaaraofthedamned December 29, 2011

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