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The art of the Matrix. Numbers just don’t lie.

Numerology is the only “conspiracy” that has evidence which is HISTORY… you have to look at the numbers and add it up.

You can figure out what number you are if you add every digit of your birthday… For example, 5/11/2002 you would do 5+1+1+2+0+0+2=11.

And that 11 leads me on to master numbers which are 11,22,33. These people are special.

Numerology is the truth of the matrix

by A real thorough nigga October 25, 2022

5👍 2👎


The art of finding out someones future, present, and past via numbers, people who partake in this are often known as voodoo witch doctors.

Suzzy tells Brett that she knows he has a inner desire to rule the world due to doing his numerology

Brett reponds with "you just called me hitler you fucking voodoo witch doctor"

by Chezley October 14, 2009

23👍 24👎

The Numerology of Donald Trump

When astrologers and feng shui masters figure out the “good” and “bad” days of the 45th President of the United States from his birthdate and the zodiac—in Chinese numerology, baby Trump was born in the Year of the Dog.

Emperor Xi and gang consulted the fengshui gurus in Beijing to find out about the numerology of Donald Trump—they wanted to know when his “lucky” and “unlucky” days in the Year of the Pig would be in order to schedule their trade meetings with him.

by MathPlus February 18, 2019

184👍 283👎


A science that promises Energy in Numbers

Guy: Yo Girl, what is your numerology so we can see if we match?

Girl: Dude thats pathetic you just try to smash...

by June 29, 2024