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suppersupper hot girl name

nutsa is hottest girl in this world

by cute butterfly November 15, 2019

72👍 3👎

dirty Nutsa

a ''dirty nutsa'' is when a girl or a guy is giving head to a witch and the witches dick releases magical cum inside of the persons mouth, the cum then transforms the person into an ugly animal.

dude yesterday i was watching this movie and some some guy turned into a rat while giving the dirty nutsa!

by ieathair June 19, 2022


Big larrie (believes in larry stylinson) kinda fruity person, louis tomlinson fan and directioner

Hey, i am nutsa
Hello i should be nutsa too its so cool

by Fearlesslou_28 December 29, 2022


The hottest, the prettiest, the smartest, and the most talanted girl you will ever meet.

Wow she's a real nutsa.

by I am that bitchh May 8, 2022


Literally The BEST name in the world. If your name is Nutsa, you're definitely the most gorgeous, nice and kind person in the world. ily💓💓💓

- Her name is Nutsa.

What's your cat's name?
-Her name is Nutsa, because it represents how nice and kind this cat is.

by mommy misato November 23, 2021


a girl named Nutsa is the type of girl that is quiet but not very shy, she's also a massive whore, very dumb but very likeable. overall she's a great friend, very loyal and nice, just super mean to certain people(you)(hopefully jokingly) and she's very dumb, a dumb whore would be the correct description for her <3

omg! why is that girl so mean to you??
oh dont worry, she's my best friend and she's a total nutsa.

by ieathair June 19, 2022