The feeling of self righteousness that someone gets when they believe they have won a debate, when in reality, their opposition didn't want to participate in conversation.
O'Driscoll, "the earth is flat, I can prove it"
Opposition, **shakes head and walks away for fear of wasting time trying to explain common sense to someone whose already advertised that they are out to lunch**
O'Driscoll then feels as though the person had no contest, no debate, no facts, and no backbone to stand up for yourself.
When in reality, the audience just didn't want to bother educating someone so far behind in sense.
This can also be applied to the situation where someone challenging another person to a fight, is met with reluctance and they attribute it to how strong or intimidating they must be, when in reality, no one wanted to fight them as it's a barbaric act.
O'Driscoll's law is being so ignorant towards your perception of why you're being avoided, that you attribute people avoiding you to your intelligence or other positive characteristics.