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O’Rourke is the surname of royalty, back in the 12th century there was a king with this name, So if you are an O’Rourke you have royal blood

I heard that he’s an ORourke , so he’s basically royal

by itsmexoxo January 27, 2021

Stephanie o’rourke

Ugly can’t buy you smart. Just say no to methamphetamine abuse.

Stephanie o’rourke

by Pseudonym31204032 October 11, 2020

Rían O’Rourke

A sexy beast who gets all the moths and has a massive cock

Silvia ‘Rían O’Rourke is so fit
Jen ‘ Yes he is’

by Facts 11 April 7, 2022

2👍 2👎


O’Rourke is a common old Irish surname it is also a name of a old clan The O Ruairc clan which was some part of Irish royalty it had been dated back to a fifth century King

Hello Susan O’Rourke

The O’Rourke known such as the O Ruairc clan was a ancient clan of Irish Royalty.

by The knowledge machine March 24, 2018


A family that’s always late

Use pulled an Orourke and were late

by Willy Wilson May 14, 2019