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OGOB / O.G.O.B or OGOG / O.G.O.G ) Original Good Ol' Boy or Girl is someone chooses to live a rural lifestyle instead of an urban one; a person who prefers the old school over the new.

It is someone who still loves and identifies with things that more than often aren't accepted as "cool, popular, modern, practical, or politically correct" to most of society.

They are the folks who still believe in God, America, their unalienable rights, hard work, nonconformity, self-sufficiency, family values, helping others, staying true to themselves, accountability, protecting and providing for their own, preserving our heritage, being proud of who you are, being yourself, and passing on these ideals as well as their importance to the next generation

He's just an OGOB He's just an Original Good Ol' Boy He is dressed like an OGOB He's dressed like an Original Good Ol' BoyHe struts like an OGOB He struts like an Original Good Ol Boy Call me Country

by GWL March 25, 2014

18👍 2👎


Stands for Our-Games-Our-Bond, referring to the website for gamers on all platforms, ourgamesourbond.com. For more information search ourgamesourbond on Google.

"Did you see what he posted on OGOB? It was awesome!"

by newtnewt1234 January 20, 2010

1👍 9👎