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Olgc is a school where all the teachers are uptight and nonstop yell at the students for literlly anything which doesnt change a thing and then the teachers wonder why the students dont respect them (cuz the students are constantly yelled at). Pretty funny when teachers threaten to give kids "infractions" that are really just red peices of paper that doesnt change a thing. Teahcers claim they have "freedom" but will then yell at us for talking in the halls when no kids are in the classrooms. Asking for money from parents that already pay tuition and for other requirements every week (fundraisers) gets old too. Tbh what isnt overeacted about in the school. Teachers will say they have a free period and then make them do work during it. Music class is probably the most productive.

Hows olgc? Not sure, i cant hear we have been yelled at so much.

by thetruth003 April 26, 2019

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