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The act of owning (owning skill). Being awesome at a skill or trait, like no other person. Intense well doing above all other people trying, master of the skill.

A.K.A. owned

Attack Frog laid down a thick helping of ownership at H2. Attack Frog has those ownership skills.

by J M K May 18, 2005

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The act of owning someone.

Mike's ownership of Nahum was evident in Fight Night II.

by eljefedejefes October 24, 2018

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culture of ownership

The general feel in todays society that everything is somehow copyrighted or property of someone else to the point where it hinders creativity and makes it much more difficult to innovate. It is also the belief that just because you created/thought of something that you should have complete and total control over every aspect of that thing, object or idea.

Apple not allowing iPhone unlocking - this is a culture of ownership.

by Matt297 October 20, 2007

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Server Ownership

When a fat fucking oaf decides to punish people for nothing simply because he can.

I'm handing over server ownership to that fat oaf over there so he can ban everyone.

by Fractured June 2, 2018

take ownership

Being forced to take on someone else's shit jobs

Boss - Hi I need you to Take Ownership of cleaning the toilet...

Worker - I need you to Take Ownership of my arse

by Rudebwoy39 November 21, 2017

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Fractional ownership

When your friend is being a cheap, sneaky son of a bitch.

Mauss is trying to trick me into fractional ownership of a camper and/or plane.

by c-dall October 16, 2016

digital ownership

The virtual proprietary rights of digital assets belongs to someone is digital ownership.

digital assets belongs to someone is digital ownership

by s j tubrazy April 13, 2013

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