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Oakmont High School

A high school that must be trying really hard to win the "worst high school in America" award or some shit. If you have a son, I urgently advise you not to send him here. The girls that go to this school destroy lives. If you are a male, please consider going somewhere else. The minute you do something harmless that one of the girls doesn't like, she will go straight to the office and falsely accuse you of rape or something like that. Then when she does that everyone else turns on you and starts to call you a rapist/pedophile/sexual predator when you're still trying to figure out what the fuck it is that you did. The most common element of this scenario is when the beta cuck white knight soy boy jocks come to her defense even though she's at fault only because they've been spending years trying to get inside her pants. Then once the office finds you innocent and sees that there's no evidence that this bimbo's accusation is true, she gets off scot free for lying and your reputation is damaged forever because the administrators see the world in the same man-hating liberal way that the students do. Welcome to Oakmont.

Joe: *breathes*
Oakmont slut: Are you fucking serious? This is unacceptable. I'm going to the office right now and reporting you for that.
Joe: All I did was breathe.
Mike: Sorry bro, you're at Oakmont High School.

by 3e4943e October 5, 2019