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When Obama's Administration puts money into a product or company to "subsidize" it.

I got some money back from buying my new home from the obamadized housing.

by Sidewinder13 September 1, 2010

6👍 2👎


Mad about the 44th president of the good ol' US of A

Have you seen Jim? he's Obamad

by DiXXC January 30, 2009

67👍 15👎


When you've been owned and you now it.

Hillary Clinton cried when she was Obamad.

by Chris Frase April 5, 2008

73👍 37👎


a verb: to be totally plagerized. for your speech to be picked apart, and the best parts added to another's speech while that person takes total credit for it. and when that person is found out, it's is shrugged off as "silly" and swept under the rug.

also, a verb: to have any and every negative aspect of your existence ignored and forgotten about in order to tear another person, usually an opponent, down. to make others look terrible painting another out to be perfect pretending someone is perfect when he isn't while pretending his opponent is the devil, when she isn't.

"jimmy totally used my valedictorian speech! i've been OBAMAD!!!"

"sally won head cheerleader because brit was totally obamad!"

by Nonya Beezewax February 23, 2008

42👍 78👎


Having someone take away something of value (i.e., money) from you after you earn it through hard work and dedication, only to give it to those who don't deserve it (i.e., CEO's that ran businesses into the ground, those who refuse to work, those who couldn't afford their mortgage in the first place).

"Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank obamad us through the non-stimulus massive spending plan."

"We are all going to suffer if the Democrats keep obamaing our tax dollars."

"Why did you obama my money to those ghetto drug-addicts?"

by American Terminologist May 21, 2009

28👍 64👎