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Obamium ore

A rare material found in a vein under the white house at the start of Obama's reign. Can be melted into Obamium ore, and has a melting point at 1500*C. Obamium is a strong material and can be melted into weapons & tools.

anon1: "yo I got this ornamental sword of Obamium!"
anon2: "damn that's expensive"
anon2: " yea. but they have found out how to recreate obamium ore"

by December 17, 2021

obamium ore

Obamium ore is a rare ore found under the white house as Obama began his reign. It has a melting point of 1500*C and is very sturdy, which makes it very useful for weapons and tools.

anon1: "yo I got this ornamental obamium sword"
anon2: "wow that's expensive"
anon1: "yea. but they have found out how to copy obamium ore"

by SenkoLover69 December 17, 2021