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The high-tax, big government, economic growth-killing, centrally planned economic regime favored by Barack Hussein Obama; essentially the same as Communism and Socialism.

Barack Husseing Obama, inflicting Obamunism on the US, will raise taxes on capital gains, dividends, social security, medicare and ordinary income, which will destroy incentives to work, save and invest. This will result in less economic growth, less job growth, and as a consequence, less overall tax revenue.

by Kevin Woods March 2, 2008

1452👍 525👎


American communism

Due to recent government bailouts, the country is moving quickly towards Obamunism

by Hugh Smitherson March 20, 2009

519👍 209👎


a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

Obamunism is exactly like socialism except it is newer, shinier and less icky sounding.

by benvul October 24, 2008

626👍 271👎


The new political religion created by our new president Obama

Obamunism is destroying our economy!!!

by Justin0529 March 23, 2009

552👍 239👎


O-bom-yuh-niz-uh m- Noun – A political ideology whose namesake is Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the United States. It is a potent blend of Socialism and Fascism which is enforced by a network of community organizers, labor unions, trial lawyers, environmentalists, and dominant media corporations. This network derives its power by pandering to a permanent underclass of recipients of countless varieties of government transfer payments.

The current agenda of the national Democrat party is rooted in Obamunism.

by fearfulfortherepublic October 10, 2009

296👍 123👎


-Noun- A totalitarian/authoritarian system of government characterized by government ownership and/or control of industry and media. Obamunism seeks one party rule and near total dominance of the nation and its people via draconian regulation of business, media, “health and welfare” of the people etc.. Obamunist regimes seek to accomplish this via lucrative deals with large unions and a very select group of powerful corporations, investors and businessmen (e.g. SEIU, AFLCIO, UAW, GE, Warren Buffet, George Soros). The fact that they have the support of this chosen few gives the Obamunists the illusion that they are “pro-business,” “capitalist” and “for the free market.” In fact the Obamunist economy is closer to a socialist/state-capitalist system than a free-market, capitalist system and Obamunist governance is more similar to fascism than that of a democratic republic. Though often denied, the fact is that the road to Obamunism was paved by the political and economic policies of presidents like Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George H. W. and George W. Bush et al.(we can refer to them as "pre-Obamunists").

Person A:"I can't believe we're being suckered more Obamunism! The Obamunists are calling for another stimulus package for irresponsible banks and fools who bought homes they knew they couldn’t afford! ”
Person B:“True but it was pre-Obamunist policies that encouraged those lenders and borrowers to be so irresponsible”

"Obamunists in the FCC are trying to censor conservative commentary by resurrecting some variation of 'the fairness doctrine'.”

by kas96b December 5, 2010

144👍 64👎


Communists and Socialists and Marxists of America unite! We finally have a real president who holds our values dear. We support Obama because he wants to nationalize health care, take money from hard-working Americans to give to the poor, and make one class of people. Hooray for communism! Hooray for Obama! Hooray for Obamunism! (That whole democracy thing just wasn't working out anyway.) So, if you are anti-Obama or anti-Democrat (or just totally in love with Obama's Communism, Socialism, or Marxism...Join the Obamunism movement!!)

Current white house residents religion is Obamunism

by willsnyder1 June 12, 2009

283👍 170👎